Marcus Elliston
  • Construction Technology
  • Holbrook, AZ

NPC Students Earn Six Golds, Among 25 Medals at Arizona SkillsUSA Competition

2017 May 9

Twenty-one NPC/NAVIT students won a total of 25 medals at the Arizona SkillsUSA competition in Phoenix, April 18-19. Seven students won gold medals and qualified for the nationals in Louisville, Ky., June 19-23.

Marcus Elliston, of Holbrook, Won the Silver Medal in Masonry.

Peggy Belknap, NPC dean of Career and Technical Education (CTE), is impressed with the strong NPC showing at state. "I am extremely pleased with all the Career and Technical Education faculty and students who participated in Arizona SkillsUSA," she said. "CTE students diligently prepared for these competitions and faculty members contributed vast amounts of personal time. To win 25 medals - six gold, six silver and 13 bronze -- supports my position that NPC has highly qualified faculty who instruct outstanding and relevant CTE programs. I am particularly proud of the college's inclusive win of first-, second- and third-place finishes in job interviewing and carpentry skills."

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel by providing educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education (CTE) in the nation's classrooms.